Friday, 30 March 2012

It's all fun!

Hey my lovelies,
Times are tough aren't they!? As young women I think we all moan and groan about not having the latest and greatest but for me especially I've learnt that materialistic items don't buy you friends, family and love. 
Sorry for my little rant but I've learnt the hard way, and for this post its nothing I've 'bought' but photographs to remind me how lucky I am to have these people in my life.

Firstly I would have Mollie Bayliss over at Mollie Muses but we have no new pictures together Mole! Just to let you know, you are amazing, your such an wonderful person and a great friend!

Me and my amazing friend Annabel or Anniebella as I like to call her, this picture cracks me up so much!

Me and Ryan my amazing boyfriend, love him to pieces. 

My Bamps, worlds funniest man. 

Steve! Have you noticed Steve's are always big and bald?

 My abuela, she reminds me of Mary Poppins- She is an amazingly strong woman.

 My best friend Meghan, the most craziest loveliest honest person i have ever met. Love this girl to death, she knows me better than I know myself. 

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not all about the glitz and glam, friends family and god are the most important things to me!
Much love,
Elise x

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Im back with a mini haul!

Hey my lovelies,
Sorry I haven't posted in aaaaages! Had this horrible ordeal with my dog Ralph, sadly he's with a new owner now, I won't go into details otherwise I'll start sobbing again! 
Any way, I've finally lost my Mac cosmetics virginity woooo! 
Here's my mini haul (apologies for webcam pics!):

Both these pictures are pretty crap quality, but I couldn't figure out which one looked better.. 

Anyways! 1st up:
Lee Stafford's Hair That Doesn't Grow Past A Certain Length Treatment (possibly the worlds longest title for a product..) Now I've shown you this one before, I absolutely love it, repurchased it today in Boots - Does what it says on the tin! 

Soap & Glory's Solar Powder
I've only just bought this bronzer, i've heard great things so I hope its the one!
Its halved into a darker shade and a lighter shade so you can choose how bronzed you want to look- fab!
Also it's a creamy texture which I really like.

Mac Studio Sculpt Spf 15 in NC20 (40 ml)
I generally have so much love for this foundation, the only problem I'd say it that it doesn't last long boohoo! I'd recommend it for teenage skin though it works really well for combination skin although I have more dry skin. 

Mac Strobe Cream Hydratant Lumineux (50 ml)
LOVE THIS. I put this on before my foundation and it works really well with it to make your skin appear dewy, only down side if you over apply your face can feel a bit sticky. But honestly I can live with that tiny flaw!

Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil in 002 Hazel 
I've been needing an eyebrow pencil for a long time and didn't want to just buy any random one but also didn't want to fork out mega wonga and this is perfect for just £3! It fills in little gaps and won't budge, absolutely brilliant. 

Hope this helps if your interested in any of the products and I hope your all well!
Much love,
Elise x

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sorry for the lack of posts!

Hello my lovelies!
Apologies for not blogging but I've been so busy with college work! But I hope your all okay!

Ive been asked to do the 11 questions tag over at Mollie Muses so here I go!

1. What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?
Probably my grey knit cardie, its cosy!

2. What has been your favourite year and why?
Last year because I met my now boyfriend :) oh I'm so soppy!

3. Who is your number one role model?
I wouldn't say I had one defined role model, I just look up to independent, hard working, optimistic and grounded people, thats what I aspire to be!

4. What are your top three favourite films?
Twilight Saga (Sorry! Wait can that count as one?!)
The Blind Side
National Treasure!

5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
15 give or take.

6. What is your dream job?
To work for a magazine company as an editor or fashion photographer.

7. What is one word you would use to describe your style?
8. What colour is your bedroom?
9. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
Tea for the morning!

10. What is your favourite picture and why? Put it in the blog post if you can!
I love my bamps.
11. Describe your favourite memory of you and a parent.
When I went down to stay with Steve, we had such a good laugh! (if your wondering who Steve is he's basically the dad i never had but its complicated!)

Ill be posting more soon I promise! Off to beddybyes 
Much love,
Elise x

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Skin SOS!

Hello my lovelies, i'm in dyer need of your help!
I've been using these two products lately,

And my skin has been fine up until a few weeks ago, i've always used face washes and masks but recently my skin is so sensitive! And i keep coming up in a painful rash and burning red marks across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. My doctor said it wasn't an allergic reaction, its starting to happen with face wipes too- HELP PLEASE! 
I'd really appreciate any advice or suggestions!
Much love,
Elise x