Sunday, 12 February 2012

My first haul!

Hello my lovelies! 
Right my loooovely boyfriend took me shopping as an early valentines pressie and I wanted to share what I bought! 

First haul:
1. Eye soothing gel mask - I have terrible black circles and sometimes puffy eyes in the morning so I had to grab this! (under £3)
2. Aussie 3 minute miracle - I love Aussie products, they smell absolutely booootiful (if you haven't tried them go go go get yourself to super drug!) My hair has been so dry recently so I popped this beauty on and 3 minutes later vola! Only 99p!
3. Herbal Essences tousle me softly- My hair is naturally wavy, but it can also be very frizzy :( I saw the advert for this gem and snatched it off the shelf. Its got a fab introductory price of £1.50!! 
End result; soft natural waves!
 Ps. Sorry for the sunnies, I can't stop wearing them they are my favourite buy! They are a Ray ban wayfarer style with leopard print across the top. River Island -£13.00 

4. Make up sponges and vaseline - Vaseline is essential in winter, I hate cracked lips! 

5. Dry shampoo & bow tights - Dry shampoo is a must for me, Im trying to grow my hair and not washing it every day helps! The bow tights are just adorable and cheap! - £2.50 primarni (primark) 

Next haul:
 Just a simple grey tee - River Island £10
 A gorgeous grey cardie also RI - £20
Now I loooove peace signs, I saw this in Topshop and had to flutter my eyelashes in my boyfriend's direction. Its over sized so if you order online go for one size smaller than you. £22

I really love these items and hope you do too! 

I'll leave you a picture of Ralph, I think its the best so far... 

Hope your all well! 
Much love, god bless
Elise x


  1. wow, £1.50 is so cheap for the Herbal Essences product! I also reaaally love your sunglassed, I'm partial to wearing them inside aswell- you're not the only one! ;) xxxxx

  2. I know I was preparing myself for spending a fiver but made me happy when i saw the price! hehe, yess, wearing sunglasses inside is the way forward ;) xxxx

  3. I love the Aussie 3 minute miracle range. Works wonders on my hair!xx

  4. Its amazing! I dyed my hair blonde (regrettably) and this was the only product that saved my hair! x

  5. omg ralph is the cutest!
    also love the peace tee.

  6. Ralph is adorable! Cute buys aswell, I love the herbal essences tousle me softly, I have the shampoo and conditioner and they smell fabulous! xx

  7. Thank you! It is brilliant such a good price at the moment! xx
