Saturday, 3 March 2012

Skin SOS!

Hello my lovelies, i'm in dyer need of your help!
I've been using these two products lately,

And my skin has been fine up until a few weeks ago, i've always used face washes and masks but recently my skin is so sensitive! And i keep coming up in a painful rash and burning red marks across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. My doctor said it wasn't an allergic reaction, its starting to happen with face wipes too- HELP PLEASE! 
I'd really appreciate any advice or suggestions!
Much love,
Elise x


  1. Owch, I have stupidly sensitive skin that reacts to chemicals, maybe this is what's affecting you too? Try more natural brands such as Naked and Good Things (both in Boots and Superdrug) and your skin may thank you for it :) x

  2. My skins always been sensitive like yours but its getting awful now :( thank you! ill definitely look into those products :) xx

  3. Nice blog! <3


  4. my skin is really oily(so I nevew had this problem) but I think that if your face has reacted like that to these products you should stop using them and make your own cream

    watch this vid it may help you
