Monday, 26 December 2011


Hello my lovelies!
Merry belated Christmas, did you enjoy your turkey?!
I am now typing off my brand new Macbook Pro, feeling so lucky! Also my Grandma was kind enough to send me a Kindle! Got very spoilt this Christmas, I hope you all did too!

The best thing about this laptop? The webcam. The effects are high-larious. 

See what I mean?! Me and my Bampy (Grandad) yesterday!

Now I will be reviewing books very soon, (when my bank account is healthy again) but what I want to warn you about is, French Manicure fake nails- now everyone wants lush nails and so did I for Christmas. So off I went to Boots and bought a pack of nails, blah blah all was great until! They started falling off in bits, leaving my nails covered in impossible-to-get- off glue. 
Sorry for the essay! Rant over.
But on a more positive note; I hope everyone had a great xmas! 

Much love, stay tuned for book reviews!

Elise x


  1. Hey Elz, hope you had a lovely Christmas :D
    Just a heads up, on Amazon they're doing a sale on the Kindle books and I've downloaded about 10 books for less than a tenner. Some of them are even free! Love youuu xx

    Mollie xo

  2. Hey Mole,
    Thankyou, will defo have a look! :D Hope your all good, need a catch up soooon! Love you xx
