Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Three items for £20 - say what?!

Hey guys! How are you all dealing with this crazy weather of peek-a-boo sun/hail/rain/thunder?
To be honest I'm glad I'm snuggled up in bed, complete with boyfriend-cooking, laptop, pjs and the guilty pleasure of listening to Justin Bieber- Boyfriend on repeat! 
So anyways, here is what I wanted to show you, I went to a huge New Look with my mum as I was given a voucher for my birthday. To my amazing surprise there was a sale!

 This dress was hidden deep in the sale rack, and as soon as I saw it I loved it. It fits like a glove, and I love the fact that it has a high neck line and shows a lot of leg. Not bad for a tenner!

 I love both zip statements on the dress and this skirt, they can be a bit daunting especially when the zip goes all the way down the skirt! But I think it spices up the simpleness of the skirt. -£7
Cant go wrong with some £3 knickers! 
All in all I'm happs with my lot, and a here's heads up on that new look sale! Go go go!
Lots of love Elsy xxx

1 comment:

  1. Bargain! you can go wrong with the lbd!

