Saturday, 25 February 2012

Okay they arent mac but i'm still happy!

Hello my lovelies
Can i just apologise for my awful spelling mistakes in the previous post?! I would blame it on auto correct but i think it was just me this time!
Me and my lovely mummy popped to Cowley shopping centre today- if you've never been to Cowley it can be quite a scary place, and my heart goes out to all the homeless people sat on the street, made me think about doing some volunteering somewhere? Any suggestions?! But anyway, keeping this post on a happy note heres what i got! 
 From left; Foundation & Concealer brush combo £5.00, Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation £10.00 (Recommended from Annie's Beauty Life) Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion £5.00 (Recommended from missglamorazzi) This lotion is amazing by the way guys! Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Mascara (Flared) Only buy this if you like really fluttery lashes! ;) Last but not least, Bourjois bronzer brush- £5.00 - All Superdrug.

I love this little haul, got some amazing products that will hopefully make me look and feel a lot better! :)
Hope your all making the most of the weekend!
Much love,
Elise x  

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Just three beauties..

Hello my lovelies! 
I've been seeing everyones posts about London Fashion Week and events related- may I just say I AM SO JEALOUS! That's all on that topic or I might cry. 
Everyone buy this, its beautiful. OPI Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday. Retails for about £10.50 on Boots & I love it (please excuse my bad pics) 


Now I bought this because I am so tired of my short hair, I mostly wear extensions but I got told my hair was in awful condition by the hair dressers (shame on me) and so I've been looking after it! It is £7.99 on Boots and smells divide! It did make my hair feel a bit dry and sticky for some reason but its softened throughout the day. I'll let you know if my hair length actually does budge from my chin! 

Yes girls theres a Lynx for us and it smells absolutely gorgeous! Its about £2.50 in Superdrug or Boots. Go and grab this spray!

Really short post today but just to let you know I am still here! Hopefully my next post will be my Mac products- fingers crossed I can save enough! :)
I hope your all happy & healthy!
Much love,
Elise x  

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Only a mini haul!

Hello my lovelies!
Now i've read a lot of you beautiful bloggers swear by charity shops.. I've never been in one! But today I decided to venture down town and see what all the hypes about! 
I am in love with charity shops after today, they are the best thing since sliced bread.
(Tigi Bed head wasn't from the charity shop but I did get a good deal!)
From the left; 1 Gold cross earrings £1.00 - Helen & Douglas. 2 Chinese Peace Aromatherapy Stress Relief  50p - Helen & Douglas. 3 Avon Room & Linen Spray £1.00 - Helen & Douglas. 4 Dirty bronzed gold bowl £2.50 - Helen & Douglas. 5 Flowery bracelet £2.00 - Cancer Research. Tigi Bed Head After Party £8.50 - Amazon. 

It might look like crap to some of you but one mans rubbish is another mans treasure right! 

This is definitely one of my favourite buys, every ball of the bracelet has a different pattern. Ps. Sorry for the picture quality and my arm being so awkward, as you might be able to see my monster in the background making it difficult haha! 
Wait till the boot sales come back, you won't hear from me! On a serious note now, my bank has taken a hit so I'm gonna start saving for my summer wardrobe! 
Hopefully this is what it will look like..
How do you want your summer wardrobe to look? 
Right i'm offskie for a cheeky nap! I'm leaving you with my new fav picture of me and Ralph.
He's getting a chunky monkey! I hope your all getting out of the winter blues, springs not far away! 
Have a fab weekend!
Much love,
Elise x

Sunday, 12 February 2012

My first haul!

Hello my lovelies! 
Right my loooovely boyfriend took me shopping as an early valentines pressie and I wanted to share what I bought! 

First haul:
1. Eye soothing gel mask - I have terrible black circles and sometimes puffy eyes in the morning so I had to grab this! (under £3)
2. Aussie 3 minute miracle - I love Aussie products, they smell absolutely booootiful (if you haven't tried them go go go get yourself to super drug!) My hair has been so dry recently so I popped this beauty on and 3 minutes later vola! Only 99p!
3. Herbal Essences tousle me softly- My hair is naturally wavy, but it can also be very frizzy :( I saw the advert for this gem and snatched it off the shelf. Its got a fab introductory price of £1.50!! 
End result; soft natural waves!
 Ps. Sorry for the sunnies, I can't stop wearing them they are my favourite buy! They are a Ray ban wayfarer style with leopard print across the top. River Island -£13.00 

4. Make up sponges and vaseline - Vaseline is essential in winter, I hate cracked lips! 

5. Dry shampoo & bow tights - Dry shampoo is a must for me, Im trying to grow my hair and not washing it every day helps! The bow tights are just adorable and cheap! - £2.50 primarni (primark) 

Next haul:
 Just a simple grey tee - River Island £10
 A gorgeous grey cardie also RI - £20
Now I loooove peace signs, I saw this in Topshop and had to flutter my eyelashes in my boyfriend's direction. Its over sized so if you order online go for one size smaller than you. £22

I really love these items and hope you do too! 

I'll leave you a picture of Ralph, I think its the best so far... 

Hope your all well! 
Much love, god bless
Elise x

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Just a quick note to say I've changed my blog name to Eat Sleep Party Repeat, it just came to me and I liked the sound of it, no one hate me! 
I love you all!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

College Trip!

Hello my lovelies! 
How are you all feeling? I think I'm delirious and its all down to lack of sleep and my beautiful baby Ralph! Despite a little moan, I wouldn't change him for the world. He's stop crying after just 3 days! Which is such a huge relief to mine and my mum's hearts (Those cries are beyond heartbreaking). 

So anyway! I went on a college trip today all the way to Laaaandan, to the BBC Studios! Absolutely fabulous tour guides, I was expecting snobby-im too good for you- people but shame on me! They were so lovely actually taking the time to talk to us individually and ask what career path we wanted to take! 
I'd recommend the tour to anyone on the media path!

The other amazing-beautiful-crazy thing about this day was... I got to go to WESTFIELD shopping centre! I didn't want to leave, it was just heaven! I only bought 3 things because Im trying to be a good girl and save some money, I don't think its going to work out though...

1. Angel winged earrings, I bought some similar to these a few months back and they got stolen! So luckily  I found these beauts in River Island for just £1.50! Bargain. 

2. Finally a black bag! It just goes to show how long I haven't been bag shopping for, most bags retail at £50-£100 WHAT?!?! I'd fork out serious money out for a mulberry or gucci but not for every day use. So! I saw this gem in New Look only £14.99 Its got loads of room inside despite looking small, a handle a shoulder strap and studs - b e a u t i f u l.

3. A pretty hair band. Now I apologise about my photos in advance I have yet to buy a camera and am working with a webcam- bare with me please! Now the picture doesn't show the flowers well but they are a very light pink with that rustic gold effect backing them. This is also New Look £3.99 can't wait to wear this in summer. 

Now I'm off to get some sleep, I hope you've all had a good start to the week and are looking forward to the weekend- I know I am!
I'll leave you with this, my mum took it on her new phone, she can't even text god knows how she found the camera!
Much Love, god bless!
Elise x

Sunday, 5 February 2012

A slightly sleep deprived version of me..

Hello my lovelies!
Amazing news- Ralph is finally here! Wooohooo! I got him yesterday morning, he's such a little whirlwind. Ive had about 3 hours sleep since half 11 last night! I couldnt handle his little cries, so he slept on the sofa with me for a few hours. But honestly he is the best person in my life! So glad I bought him.
Without further a due- my baby!

cheeky monkey! 
Asleep on my bampy bless him :)

Just a little post today, I hope you all fall in love with him as I have.
Gonna try and relax tonight and watch the new season of True Blood (eeeeek!)
Hope your all thriving off of 2012! I know I am.
Much Love,
Elise x

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Hello my lovelies!
I just wanted to share my wish list with you, I hope 2012 will be kind to me!
Firstly a double bed! I've only had a double bed once in my life and it was the best experience of my life, haha. I've got a day bed at the moment, its starting to remind me of a crib because of the railings, so this is top on my list!

 Some decent hair extensions! I know this seems fake, but I've always had 'bob length' hair and my hair doesn't like to grow, i'd kill for luscious locks!
A ford ka! I love this new shape unfortunately they retail at £5000 secondhand, hopefully I'll snatch a bargain at an auction. 
Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Lipstick for Mac! This colour just looks amazing, I love love love pink so I can't wait to grab this beauty. 

Lastly- Now i couldn't find a picture for this but.. A whole new wardrobe of clothes! I think minus a few things i.e (that favourite hoodie you will never throw away despite it having fag burns and stains that won't budge) a new wardrobe of clothes is a girls dream! Also I want to venture out into heels, now I love heels but I can't handle too much height (Wedges are a brilliant invention for people like me!) 
So fingers crossed for me this year! Im sure I'll have to get a job but it will be worth it. 
What's on your wish list for 2012?
Much Love,
Elise x