Tuesday, 7 February 2012

College Trip!

Hello my lovelies! 
How are you all feeling? I think I'm delirious and its all down to lack of sleep and my beautiful baby Ralph! Despite a little moan, I wouldn't change him for the world. He's stop crying after just 3 days! Which is such a huge relief to mine and my mum's hearts (Those cries are beyond heartbreaking). 

So anyway! I went on a college trip today all the way to Laaaandan, to the BBC Studios! Absolutely fabulous tour guides, I was expecting snobby-im too good for you- people but shame on me! They were so lovely actually taking the time to talk to us individually and ask what career path we wanted to take! 
I'd recommend the tour to anyone on the media path!

The other amazing-beautiful-crazy thing about this day was... I got to go to WESTFIELD shopping centre! I didn't want to leave, it was just heaven! I only bought 3 things because Im trying to be a good girl and save some money, I don't think its going to work out though...

1. Angel winged earrings, I bought some similar to these a few months back and they got stolen! So luckily  I found these beauts in River Island for just £1.50! Bargain. 

2. Finally a black bag! It just goes to show how long I haven't been bag shopping for, most bags retail at £50-£100 WHAT?!?! I'd fork out serious money out for a mulberry or gucci but not for every day use. So! I saw this gem in New Look only £14.99 Its got loads of room inside despite looking small, a handle a shoulder strap and studs - b e a u t i f u l.

3. A pretty hair band. Now I apologise about my photos in advance I have yet to buy a camera and am working with a webcam- bare with me please! Now the picture doesn't show the flowers well but they are a very light pink with that rustic gold effect backing them. This is also New Look £3.99 can't wait to wear this in summer. 

Now I'm off to get some sleep, I hope you've all had a good start to the week and are looking forward to the weekend- I know I am!
I'll leave you with this, my mum took it on her new phone, she can't even text god knows how she found the camera!
Much Love, god bless!
Elise x


  1. You went to Laaaandan? Where's my Heat magazine?!
    Look at Ralph, bless his little furry paws. I wanted to come and see you this week but I'm at work every single day :(
    Love you Elz , glad to see you're getting into the swing of blogging:D

    Mole xo

  2. I didn't get heat I'm afraid- I've got more magazine though? ;) Hope your not working too hard your ware yourself out! Love you mole, lemme know when your free for a movie day x
