Thursday, 23 February 2012

Just three beauties..

Hello my lovelies! 
I've been seeing everyones posts about London Fashion Week and events related- may I just say I AM SO JEALOUS! That's all on that topic or I might cry. 
Everyone buy this, its beautiful. OPI Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday. Retails for about £10.50 on Boots & I love it (please excuse my bad pics) 


Now I bought this because I am so tired of my short hair, I mostly wear extensions but I got told my hair was in awful condition by the hair dressers (shame on me) and so I've been looking after it! It is £7.99 on Boots and smells divide! It did make my hair feel a bit dry and sticky for some reason but its softened throughout the day. I'll let you know if my hair length actually does budge from my chin! 

Yes girls theres a Lynx for us and it smells absolutely gorgeous! Its about £2.50 in Superdrug or Boots. Go and grab this spray!

Really short post today but just to let you know I am still here! Hopefully my next post will be my Mac products- fingers crossed I can save enough! :)
I hope your all happy & healthy!
Much love,
Elise x  

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