Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Hello my lovelies!
I just wanted to share my wish list with you, I hope 2012 will be kind to me!
Firstly a double bed! I've only had a double bed once in my life and it was the best experience of my life, haha. I've got a day bed at the moment, its starting to remind me of a crib because of the railings, so this is top on my list!

 Some decent hair extensions! I know this seems fake, but I've always had 'bob length' hair and my hair doesn't like to grow, i'd kill for luscious locks!
A ford ka! I love this new shape unfortunately they retail at £5000 secondhand, hopefully I'll snatch a bargain at an auction. 
Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Lipstick for Mac! This colour just looks amazing, I love love love pink so I can't wait to grab this beauty. 

Lastly- Now i couldn't find a picture for this but.. A whole new wardrobe of clothes! I think minus a few things i.e (that favourite hoodie you will never throw away despite it having fag burns and stains that won't budge) a new wardrobe of clothes is a girls dream! Also I want to venture out into heels, now I love heels but I can't handle too much height (Wedges are a brilliant invention for people like me!) 
So fingers crossed for me this year! Im sure I'll have to get a job but it will be worth it. 
What's on your wish list for 2012?
Much Love,
Elise x

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