Saturday, 25 February 2012

Okay they arent mac but i'm still happy!

Hello my lovelies
Can i just apologise for my awful spelling mistakes in the previous post?! I would blame it on auto correct but i think it was just me this time!
Me and my lovely mummy popped to Cowley shopping centre today- if you've never been to Cowley it can be quite a scary place, and my heart goes out to all the homeless people sat on the street, made me think about doing some volunteering somewhere? Any suggestions?! But anyway, keeping this post on a happy note heres what i got! 
 From left; Foundation & Concealer brush combo £5.00, Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation £10.00 (Recommended from Annie's Beauty Life) Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion £5.00 (Recommended from missglamorazzi) This lotion is amazing by the way guys! Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Mascara (Flared) Only buy this if you like really fluttery lashes! ;) Last but not least, Bourjois bronzer brush- £5.00 - All Superdrug.

I love this little haul, got some amazing products that will hopefully make me look and feel a lot better! :)
Hope your all making the most of the weekend!
Much love,
Elise x  


  1. I really want to try that foundation, but I have so many which need using up first before I buy it! :)

  2. I love the maybelline falsies mascara, great haul

  3. Islay, this is the best colour match I've had definitely buy it! & thank you Kim its brilliant! x

  4. this maybelline mascara is great :)
    amazing post!

  5. Thank you, Bubble My Licorice and S. following both your blogs <3

  6. Meakins! I've just tagged you for the 11 Questions tag! Pop over to my blog post to see your questions!

    Mole xo
