Thursday, 16 February 2012

Only a mini haul!

Hello my lovelies!
Now i've read a lot of you beautiful bloggers swear by charity shops.. I've never been in one! But today I decided to venture down town and see what all the hypes about! 
I am in love with charity shops after today, they are the best thing since sliced bread.
(Tigi Bed head wasn't from the charity shop but I did get a good deal!)
From the left; 1 Gold cross earrings £1.00 - Helen & Douglas. 2 Chinese Peace Aromatherapy Stress Relief  50p - Helen & Douglas. 3 Avon Room & Linen Spray £1.00 - Helen & Douglas. 4 Dirty bronzed gold bowl £2.50 - Helen & Douglas. 5 Flowery bracelet £2.00 - Cancer Research. Tigi Bed Head After Party £8.50 - Amazon. 

It might look like crap to some of you but one mans rubbish is another mans treasure right! 

This is definitely one of my favourite buys, every ball of the bracelet has a different pattern. Ps. Sorry for the picture quality and my arm being so awkward, as you might be able to see my monster in the background making it difficult haha! 
Wait till the boot sales come back, you won't hear from me! On a serious note now, my bank has taken a hit so I'm gonna start saving for my summer wardrobe! 
Hopefully this is what it will look like..
How do you want your summer wardrobe to look? 
Right i'm offskie for a cheeky nap! I'm leaving you with my new fav picture of me and Ralph.
He's getting a chunky monkey! I hope your all getting out of the winter blues, springs not far away! 
Have a fab weekend!
Much love,
Elise x


  1. Love The Bracelet! I Always Seem To Collect Vintage Buttons From Charity Shops Mad I Know, ....P.s I Have Them Purple Jeans From Topshop -Yellow Ones Next I Think :o)

  2. I love vintage, especially tarnished gold things, i used to collect buttons when i was younger haha, your not alone. I love those jeans, are they skinny fit or do they go loose? all my topshop jeans tend to stretch! Yellow sounds good! :D
    Elise x

  3. I Thought It Was Just Me Who Had A Fetish For Buttons Lol, Well I've Tried A Few Leigh Jeans On In The Different Colours Some Are Looser At The Bottom Than Anothers :S Ended Up With Red & The Purple, My Legs Are Like Sticks Though Lol! Only Size W26-L30 ...So Maybe Its Just Me Who Has This Probelm!

  4. Yeah I've got the leigh jeans, I'm a leg 30! So hard to find! haha, but desperately want some pink and purple jeans!
    Elise x

  5. Looks like you found some fab things in the charity shop! I love Topshop Leigh jeans too, my legs are super skinny at the bottom but not so much up top :p xo

  6. I Only Buy Mine From Topshop Always Fit Better, I'd Have All The Colours If I Could Afford It, Come On Lottery :P

  7. Mine too Rachel, tree trunks i call them but i suppose i have to like it or lump it! hahaa. Yess Dominique sharing is caring ey ;)! x

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thankyou. Your blog is adorable! x

  10. Heyy sweetie just thought I'd let you know I've launched a comp to win the black cross ring you commented but its only open for 24 hours AND Ralph loooks so cute <3 xxx

  11. they really are! my hair was so frizzy before this product! x
